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21 Problems Only People With Resting Witchface Will Understand

Sorry, just debating whether to use my powers for good or evil.

1. People are always asking you questions like, "Are you OK?" and "Are you having a bad day?"

2. And your friends are always assuming you're mad at them, which is rarely the case.

3. You're terrible at making a warm first impression.

4. You always end up looking really mean in photographs.

5. People tell you to "smile" a lot.

6. People feel the need to hug you a lot, since you "look like you need it."

7. People have a hard time being able to tell when you're joking.

8. Your friends sometimes think you're judging them super hard when you're having a conversation.

9. People tend to assume you're rude, when you're really not trying to be rude.

10. So you try to force a friendly face, which usually just ends up making things worse.

11. You have to remind yourself to smile and react when it's socially appropriate.

12. Which is just absolutely exhausting.

13. You're always hearing, "I can never tell what you're feeling" because your expressions are all so similar.

14. Your friends have all told you that at first they thought you were going to be so mean.

15. Casual acquaintances always assume you're plotting some kind of sinister revenge.

16. When people try to surprise you, they rarely get the reaction they want.

17. Everyone thinks you're intimidating.

18. You're pretty much incapable of flirting because you always come off as cold.

19. Half of the conversations you have end in someone asking why you're giving them "that face."

20. But you do have an excellent poker face.

21. And you know you've found a true friend when they can see what you're feeling behind your witchface.