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    What 2L Year Of Law School Is Actually Like

    If you can survive 1L, you can survive anything.

    To all the struggling 1Ls with their dreams of next year, read on to only the odd numbers! 2L is everything you dreamed and more.

    For everyone else, the even numbers will suffice.

    1. What I thought 2L Year Would Be Like:

    2. What it’s actually like:

    3. I was totally right!

    4. ...That law school is still hell.

    5. You get so much more sleep than 1L!

    6. Because you lose the will to read.

    7. I still brief every case!

    8. With help from Westlaw and LexisNexis summary features.

    9. I’m not afraid of being called on anymore!

    10. I realize now no one is listening.

    11. I get practical work experience at my externship!

    12. That is the commute from hell, isn’t paid, and requires tons of seminar paperwork.

    13. I can take even more units for credit!

    14. Which I instantly regret.

    15. I can finally pick my classes!

    16. Pick between two classes that fit in your schedule.

    17. I won’t have to go every day!

    18. Because the other days I will be going to work.

    19. My classes aren’t as big!

    20. More chances to be called on.

    21. I’ll enjoy the readings on these topics!

    22. Because now I’ll have 250 pages a night.

    23. There are fewer requirements!

    24. But all of the requirements are twice as hard.

    25. I’ve gotten better at legal research and writing!

    26. Is a complete lie because I’m not doing any now that LRW is over...

    27. I have a better work/school/life balance!

    28. Because I live alone and never wear pants.

    29. I’ll finally have some down time for Netflix!

    30. Netflix has become my only relief and friend.

    31. I'll finally make friends outside of my section!

    32. No one cares.

    33. I’ll spend time between classes in the library!

    34. Actually the cafeteria.

    35. I’ll finally hit the gym more!

    36. Or my bed.

    37. I’ll complete all of my homework!

    38. TBH If I get 50% of the reading done, I’m a champion.

    39. Because I want to be a lawyer!

    40. Well, okay this one is still true.

    41. And law school is not the attorney life!

    42. Small talk and suits is the attorney life.

    43. I know 2L is the start of something grand!

    44. Grandstanding, maybe.

    45. And I’m halfway to being a lawyer!

    46. And being done with this hell.

    47. To Success!

    48. Or marginally less failure.

    49. Yay! Just get to 2L!

    50. It totally gets better.