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Quiz: Are You From Florida?

Turns out, you might be. This quiz, inspired by local expert @_FloridaMan, will reveal the truth.

Possible police sketch of you:

  1. 1. Have you ever accidentally crushed someone's car with a monster truck?

  2. 2. Have you ever blamed lack of sex for robbing a 7-11?

  3. 3. Are you banned from being within 50 ft of a school AND from buying Kool-Aid?

  4. 4. Is this the reason you're not currently locked up?

  5. 5. Have you ever hid in a pond after robbing your mom?

  6. 6. Did your boyfriend ever just drive you SO nuts with his "Jagged Little Pill" mp3s you blew your cool?

  7. 7. Have you ever bitten a police car?

  8. 8. Do you ever bring your Klingon sword into traffic?

  9. 9. Have you ever used a fish as a weapon?

  10. 10. Have you ever been denied entry to a strip club, and if so, was it because you tried to bring a housecat inside, and if so, did you call 911 to protest?


News headlines taken from BuzzFeed's favorite new Twitter account @_FloridaMan. Go follow it now (NOW! I'm telling you) for the best weird local Florida news.