Ranking The Hottest Guys On "Pretty Little Liars"

    The fictional town of Rosewood, PA, has an ever-rotating cast of super hot guys, many of whom are probably evil. Here they are in order of babeliness.

    First, let's just acknowledge that there's a lot here to consider.

    19. Ben Coogan

    18. Lucas Gottesman

    17. Sean Ackard

    16. Ian Thomas

    15. Jason DiLaurentis #1

    14. Wesley Fitz

    13. Holden Strauss

    12. Detective Wilden

    11. Garrett Reynolds

    10. Toby Cavanaugh

    9. Lyndon James/Nate St. Germain

    8. Jake the Martial Arts Instructor

    7. Alex Santiago

    6. Detective Holbrook

    5. Noel Kahn

    4. Jason DiLaurentis #2

    3. Ezra Fitz

    2. Wren Kingston

    1. Caleb Rivers
