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    How To Fail University On £107.33 A Month

    The student guide to getting the least out of your academic experience.

    19. First things first, failing takes real commitment.

    18. £5.99 on a Netflix Membership

    17. It's not long before you realize that you really do need to rewatch those first two seasons of "Sherlock" again though...

    16. £6 on library fines

    15. Then you get the bad news that the library is also still waiting for that reference book you took home over Easter and completely forgot about under your bed.

    14. £30.34 on alcohol.

    13. And anyway, you’ve become an expert at pre-drinking.

    12. Yes, you did get those two extra tequilas last night...

    11. £0 on a Mattress Topper

    10. Unfortunately, it has meant you don’t actually want to get out of bed anymore.

    9. £21 on a gym membership

    8. Fair enough, it hasn’t had much effect so far... but then you haven’t actually been for five days so maybe the brain stuff kicks in later.

    7. £19 on a phone contract.

    6. £20 on “That new top you really wanted”.

    5. Plus, this top is in the sale.

    4. £5 on Fancy Dress Costumes

    3. You try your best to find things in your wardrobe...

    2. Suddenly, it's the end of the month.

    1. You'll just have to chalk this one up to experience, starting from now you're in unadulterated work mode.