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    21 Ways You Know You Are A Student Nurse

    You're a dab hand with patients but can you recognize your own vital signs?

    1.) You crave the luxury of lie-ins when you get to sleep until 8am.

    2.) Sometimes when you hear your alarm go off you instinctively leap out of bed to answer the crash call.

    3.) There are things you will never say:

    "I feel so energised"

    "Sitting down is so overrated"

    "I'm not hungry"

    "Overwhelmed? No I'm fine"

    4.) You regularly miss your breaks. But on the bright side, working wards has meant you've developed a bladder of steel.

    5.) Your patients haven't though and you get the thrill of regularly watching bowel movements.

    6.) In fact, most of your day is spent mouthing "WTF".

    7.) And you've started to wonder if the "The Borrowers" exist as you lose an average of 10 pens a shift.

    9.) Outside of work you've become a bit of a hypochondriac.

    10.) You blame it on checking that your patients are within the normal vital sign range every 15 minutes. To be honest, you think they might be getting a bit sick of you.

    11.) Working with patients who don't speak English has meant you've become an expert in sign language.

    12.) You answer to any name. Most of the staff don't even try and learn yours.

    13.) You've told a date/friend that they have really nice veins.

    14.) Wearing scrubs feels like your birthday has come early.

    15.) You sit in bed and watch "Grey's Anatomy"... except you spend the entire episode annoyed that surgery on television looks nothing like the real thing.

    16.) Heading home you realize that your family now views you as their 24-hour nurse so you spend Christmas dinner answering questions about your Grandma's arthritis.

    17.) That's when they're not asking you if you've found a nice hot doctor to settle down with yet.

    (The answer is no.)

    18.) But hey, you have seen more penises and vaginas than most porn stars ever will.

    19.) So. Many. More.

    20.) By the end of your first year, your co-workers have already become part of your extended family.

    21.) Suddenly, you can tell the best stories without even trying.

    ... Though you probably shouldn't share them round the dinner table.

    And hey, you've started to realize that all the 13 hour shifts, just-passed exams and vending machine soups will be totally worth it when you get that qualification.