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    22 Times Animals Helped Humans And Were Not Thanked

    Stop being such a self-centered human and realise that these animals need to feel appreciated too.

    1. When this monkey checked this human was getting enough support because he knows the human worries about the effects of gravity in the long term.

    2. When this bear took a quick test drive to make sure this human's boat was operating safely.

    3. When this dog prevented its human from wearing last season's Birkenstocks to the soiree because he knew that if the human did wear them then Caroline from the Country Club would make fun of the human behind her back.

    4. When this goat checked the oil levels of this human's car because he knows the human can't afford a new engine.

    5. When this cat licked clean all of its human's dirty plates because she knew the human was trying to be mindful of his environmental footprint and his dishwasher only had a two-star energy rating.

    6. When this dolphin played a prank on this surfing human because he knew the human was trying to get some cardio in and nothing makes your heart rate soar like thinking you're about to be eaten alive by a shark.

    7. When this gorilla very discreetly pointed out that there was a booger on a human's face.

    8. When this dog dug up his human's garden because aerating the soil helps maximum plant growth and he knows how much his human loves her forget-me-nots.

    9. When this cat wanted to make sure that this bowl really could hold 2 gallons before her human started baking a cake.

    10. When this bird pooped on Cara Delevingne's head because it knew she had a very important photo shoot later that day and wanted to give her good luck.

    11. When this elephant took it upon himself to check that the car this human just bought really was "strong enough to hold an elephant", like the car salesman claimed, because he didn't want the human to get ripped off.

    12. When this lion cub fixed this human's camera settings because the focus was blurry.

    13. When this dog unravelled his human's toilet paper because he knows the human is usually in a hurry in the morning and he wanted to save her the time it would take to unravel it herself.

    14. When this horse played tug-o-war with his human because he knows the human is self-conscious about her upper arms wobbling when she waves, and weight-based exercises help build muscle tone.

    15. When this piglet stole a human's ice-cream because the human was on a diet and shouldn't be eating that anyway.

    16. When this racoon helped a human take out the trash.

    17. When this seal volunteered to help this human practice his kissing skills because he knew the human was nervous before his first date with a human girl.

    18. When this crocodile smiled for this human's camera so that the human would have plenty of interesting photos to share with her friends and family when she got back from vacation.

    19. When this moose calf surprised a human by already removing the window the human was planning to replace maybe in the next 10 years.

    20. When this snake kept this human's neck warm because he could tell the human was feeling a little bit chilly.

    21. When this friendly giraffe helped this human think of some new dance moves to use on Saturday night because The Sprinkler is soooo 1985.

    22. When this camel tried to bite this human's head off because he'd heard the human wanted to lose weight and he figured that the head is proportionately the heaviest part of a human.

    Thanks for taking us for granted, humans!