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    23 GIFs From "Girls" That Perfectly Describe Your Working Life

    Those Monday feels.

    1. There's an art to looking busy.

    2. But there will come a day so boring, you'll actually want people to give you more things to do.

    3. And days where you'll have so much to do that you just want to sit and cry.

    4. And complain about everything.

    5. Mondays are the worst.

    6. Drinking on a weeknight always seems like a good idea.

    7. Until you get in the next day.

    8. Yep, that next day is the worst.

    9. Fridays are a shining light at the end of the tunnel.

    10. Except for when a last minute meeting gets called, and you've gotta warn everyone.

    11. The words "snack room" are life changing.

    12. But there's always that one person who leaves their moldy food in the fridge.

    13. Your work friends become your family, and if they take a day off it truly messes with EVERYTHING.

    14. But when they return, everything is OK again.

    15. Group projects can be super fun...

    16. ...or the absolute worst.

    17. As not everyone will care about their job as much as you do.

    18. But no matter what, you can't sell yourself short.

    19. There will come a day you'll immediately regret what you wore.

    20. And a day you'll consider dating a colleague.

    21. Because it seems totally perfect and convenient at the time.

    22. Love or hate it, you'll just have to accept the fact that this is your life now.

    23. Aside from the occasional 'sickie'...which is totally allowed.

    Here's to another week!