22 Times The Internet Perfectly Understood "Degrassi"

    Whatever it takes, we know you will make it through... unless you're J.T. (Sorry.)

    1. This very necessary Wikipedia edit:

    2. This 100% accurate recap of every line Paige ever spoke:

    3. This one that is still WAY TOO SOON:

    4. Seriously, we're still not over it:

    5. This one that reminds us that J.T. isn't the only one we lost:

    6. The obligatory "Wheelchair Jimmy" meme:

    7. ...Which was turned into an even better meme in real life:

    8. Guys, it's not funny!

    9. OK, maybe it's a little funny:

    Drake should've used those dance moves in Degrassi

    10. Last Drake one, I promise:

    11. This one that questions Imogen's thought process:

    12. Not that Eli was exactly a beacon of logic and reason, either:

    13. This romantic Valentine:

    14. This mocking of Riley:

    15. This fantastic before and after:

    16. Although Emma wasn't perfect:

    17. This one we're still scratching our heads over:

    18. This one about the girls that Peter happened to date:

    19. This one about the difference between Canada and the U.S.:

    20. This one about all the Degrassi students who mysteriously stopped showing up to class:

    21. This one about Maya's hypocrisy:

    22. And finally, this one that captures all of our hearts and minds and souls:

    Now we just have to wait until January 15 for Degrassi: Next Class to be released on Netflix.

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    Netflix / Via youtube.com

    But I wanna watch it nowwwwww.