17 Photos That Prove Saskatoon Is Gorgeous As Heck

    Take that, Lake Louise.

    1. Saskatoon sunrises fill the sky with pinks and purples.

    2. While the sunsets set the sky on fire.

    3. When the sky is clear, you can see for days.

    4. Saskatoon's stormy skies make you want to stay out in the rain.

    5. Even the prairies look dramatic.

    6. At night, the bridge lights make the river sparkle.

    7. The fireworks festival lights up the city in incredible ways.

    8. When the Northern Lights are visible, they go on forever.

    9. Autumn turns the South Saskatchewan River into a picture book.

    10. The Meewasin Trail along the river make it easy to forget you're in a city.

    11. Saskatoon's tree-lined streets are picturesque in the fall.

    12. Winter turns the city into a winter wonderland.

    13. And the river looks like in belongs in a Christmas card.

    14. The architecture at the University of Saskatchewan is beautiful.

    15. And the campus is perfect for an afternoon stroll.

    16. Even a game of golf turns into a National Geographic photo.

    17. You may think Saskatoon is just flat, but its landscapes are far more intriguing than that.