15 Questions The 2016 Long-Form Census Should Ask Canadians

    The Canadian government will finally get answers.

    1. It will start out with the essential questions.

    2. It will inquire about the issues that divide our great nation.

    3. The census won't shy away from topics that elicit anger.

    4. It will inquire about the communication methods of Canadian citizens.

    5. It will identify Canadians with special skills.

    6. It will discover how Canadians move around the country.

    7. The census will test your attention to detail.

    8. It will gather information on your medical history.

    9. It will question your patriotism.

    10. The census will reach out to different Canadians using regional dialects.

    11. It'll collect opinions on Canadian culture.

    12. It'll gather vital information about municipal politics.

    13. It will ask the questions that keep us awake at night.

    14. It will gauge your reaction to events that rocked our nation.

    15. And finally, it will ask the question that plague Canadians every day.