17 Unforgettable Childhood Moments From Playing "Crosscountry Canada"

    AKA the best computer game of all time.

    1. Doing a little dance of joy in your seat as the welcome screen loads.

    2. Groaning at how far way your delivery city is from where you're starting.

    3. Balking at the cost of taking the ferry.

    4. Taking the ferry anyway (because you didn't really have a choice).

    5. Wondering why so many diners and cafes are named after you.

    6. Getting irrationally excited when you cross into another province.

    7. Rolling your eyes at the killjoy policeman.

    8. Cheering at the animation when you finally pick up your commodity.

    9. Having absolutely no idea what your next commodity is.

    10. Gambling on whether or not to pick up hitchhikers.

    11. Ignoring the game's warning about hitchhikers.

    12. Breathing a sigh of relief when your hitchhiker turns out to be nice.

    13. BUT THEN cursing the game when your hitchhiker frickin' robs you.

    14. Paying through the nose when you run out of gas on the highway.

    15. Marveling at the awe-inspiring graphics depicting some of our cities' best sights.

    16. Enjoying a sense of accomplishment when you finally arrive in the city where you are to deliver your commodities.

    17. Feeling a deep sense of national pride as the success animation plays at the end.