35 Free Last-Minute Terrible Punny Costume Ideas

    We give the pun, you do the rest.

    1 .Tequila Mockingbird

    2. Hamela Anderson

    3. Beyon-slayer

    4. Bae Z

    5. Paul McFartney

    6. Kobe Beef Bryant

    7. Haulin' Oats

    8. Col-bear Report

    9. Kim Dong-Il

    10. Bernie Mac 'n' Cheese

    11. Phlegma Watson

    12. Lucille Ballgag

    13. Idris Hellba

    14. Jon Ham

    15. Total Eclipse of the Fart

    16. Babe-raham Lincoln

    17. Paul Funyun

    18. Whoopee Cushion Goldberg

    19. Plastic Bagatha Christie

    20. Fart Simpson

    21. SeaTriscuit

    22. Scooby Doo-Doo

    23. Melissa Joan Fart

    24. Bitchfork Media

    25. Ron Swan Song

    26. Queefer Sutherland

    27. J.C. Chasez Penney

    28. Edward Snowed-In

    29. Cardamom and Cardadad

    30. Mumford and Suns

    31. All Hallow's Eve/Steve

    32. Slice Girls

    33. LOL Simon

    34. February Jones

    35. Benedict Cucumberbatch