12 Things Anuradha Should Do On Friday, March 6, 2015

    Yell "fuck you" from the top of her voice. Among other things.

    Look at this baby. This is you.

    And this one too.

    Now that you've calmed yourself looking at happy babies, here is what we suggest you do tomorrow:

    1. As soon as you leave the office on Thursday, breathe deeply. Let out a huuuuuuge sigh of relief.

    2. After you've calmed yourself. Flash your biggest grin...

    3. And on top of your voice, yell what you've been meaning to since Aug 26, 2013.

    4. Go to your highest level rage mode and shout till you've no more voice left.

    5. Blast Britney Spears ft. will.i.am's Scream and Shout for inspiration.

    View this video on YouTube


    6. Then get in your car and drive like you're in Fast And The Furious. No looking back allowed.

    7. Go home, kick those shoes off and plop into bed. Feel the freedom in the warmth as the bedsheets snug comfortably around you. You deserve it.

    8. Shut your phone and the alarm clocks off. Let the birds wake you.

    9. Or better yet, let true love's kiss do the trick.

    10. Have a bath so long it feels therapeutic, you deserve it.

    11. Spend hours mesmerised in your own beauty, you deserve it.

    12. Take Arun shopping and play dress up, hellz yeaahhh you deserve it!

    Congratulations Anuradha, you did it, you daughter of a gun.

    May your new life be ever fascinating.