

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me) it’s always ourselves we find in the sea jersey girl, born and bred. I'm silly and giddy 99.9% of the time. i have an awesome job and enjoy school more then i should. always in the middle of at least two books if not more. on the computer more then i should be. beach girl through and through, but i like to be in the water the whole time. i act like a little kid, give me coloring books and take me to playground where i can go on the swings (my favorite), and then buy me ice cream and you'll be my best friend forever. love going to concerts, and rocking out...it's an incredible experience, having the whole crowd pumped and feeling the way you do. very connected. i'd rather be outside then in. i try to be very open-minded about things...there are alot of things that can't be explained in this world. very liberal...i don't see that changing ever. animal lover (can't wait to have my own place...will have a small zoo) and definatly want to end up in that field. thinking about becoming a vet tech and looking into dog training too...i love nature pictures, of beaches and flowers mostly. always wanted to go ireland. i love my friends, they are crazy and weird and funny as hell, even if i don't see you often...you guys are awesome and don't forget it. i can be shy and quiet if i'm feeling out of my element....

Jul 2011
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