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    25 Things Only Theatre Kids Will Understand

    Seriously, mom, I need to get into the city this weekend. Do you know who's playing Crutchie on Saturday?

    25. Your entire wardrobe is 75% cast t-shirts.

    24. Your "small playbill collection" looks a little something like this:

    23. You're waiting for a cast list to come out and people ask why you're so quiet.

    22. You think that Broadway Flea Market > Christmas

    21. Somebody around you was talking about a musical, and you kinda just-

    20. This twitter account has made you scream on more than one occasion.

    J Michael Zygo (@JMichaelZygo) will be on as Guy in @OnceMusical again tonight, May 31st!

    Follow them for more perfect, wonderful, tweets that will either make your day or ruin it (depending on which of your favorite understudies will be in which roles and whether or not you'll be there to witness it)

    19. You know an impressive variety of historical facts solely because of musicals.

    18. And a bit about law, too.

    17. This is your reaction to every new Newsies cast replacement.

    16. This video makes you laugh for more than 30 seconds, and you have to watch it more than once.

    View this video on YouTube

    Rob Manion / Via


    15. You watch old show DVDs like this:

    14. This is how you feel when find an upcoming audition near your town online.

    13. This is you when someone asks how many times you've seen your favorite show.

    12. Your Facebook/Twitter profile pic has been a photo of you with an actor at stagedoor.

    11. Throat coat is your preferred beverage.

    10. Your local diner is home to some of your best and weirdest memories.

    9. Your music library looks a lot like this.

    8. You get what your friends say is "irrationally" excited for the Tonys.

    7. You count down the days until theater camp starting the day you get back from theater camp.

    6. You could go to Disney World just to see the shows in Hollywood Studios.

    5. Almost nothing can stop you when you see show merch.

    4. You have a VERY strong opinion on bootlegs.

    3. You and your high school directors are like this:

    2. This is your immediate reaction when your teachers give you homework during tech week.

    1. You realize that even though what you do is hard work, it's totally worth it and you wouldn't trade it for anything.