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    The 12 Struggles Of Life After College

    College was a breeze. Now it's time to strap on your adult helmet, jump on that struggle bus, and ride it straight towards Jobsville.

    1. College is over. Now its time to think about a job.

    2. Overwhelmed by all of the jobs you aren't qualified for.

    3. Apply. Apply. Apply.

    4. Rejection emails galore.

    5. Eventually you get an interview.

    6. Until you realize that there are other people fighting for the same position.

    7. And those interview questions.

    8. But the hardest part is watching your friends get jobs.

    9. And those nagging parents!

    10. Time to regroup. New resume. New you.

    11. The job search is never ending.

    12. Because eventually something will come along!