This Squirrel's Terrified Reaction To Being Stuck On A Merry-Go-Round Is Everything

    Sometimes life is like a merry-go-round.

    There's a video circulating of this poor squirrel stuck on a merry-go-round.

    And his reaction perfectly embodies every daily struggle you've ever had.

    When you wake up an hour before your alarm clock was supposed to go off.

    When you wake up an hour after your alarm clock was supposed to go off.

    When your significant other says, "Hey, we need to talk."

    When your teacher calls on you expecting an answer and you've been daydreaming about the weekend.

    When your parents are about to tell an embarrassing story about your childhood.

    When you realize you forgot your homework at home.

    When the bartender tells you the minimum charge is $25 to use a credit card.

    When you've come to the sudden realization that your crush isn't single anymore.

    When you see a photo with all your friends hanging out and you weren't invited.

    Watch the full video of the trapped squirrel here.

    View this video on YouTube
