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    14 Times Blair Waldorf Was Right About Everything

    "If you really want something, you don't stop for anyone or anything until you get it."

    1. When she was inspiring AF about following your dreams.

    2. When she taught us that we never, ever should settle.

    3. When she defined the mystical term "destiny" and put lazy people in their place.

    4. When she spoke the truth about making a fashion faux pas.

    5. When you start bad-mouthing your best friend to another best friend.

    6. When she reminded us all to be open minded about other peoples' lives and aspirations.

    7. When she taught us to stand up for ourselves, and never torture ourselves for a job.

    8. When she reminded us to quit while we're ahead if we're about to say something we'll regret.

    9. When she let us know that being calm is classy.

    10. When she reminded us that we can be in control of our thoughts and feelings.

    11. When she reminded us to always be loyal, even if others are tempting us.

    12. When she was all, "Hey, it's cool to be happy."

    13. But she also showed us we don't always have to be happy for others.

    14. And when she served up this bit of confidence realness.