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A Man Has Spent More Than 40 Years Making An Amusement Park In His Backyard

He welded some gigantic kinetic rides all by himself to bring people to his Italian restaurant.

In 1969, Bruno opened a small restaurant in the woods near Treviso, Italy, called Ai Pioppi.

So Ai Pioppi was off to a successful start, but Bruno had bigger plans for his property.

Over more than four decades, he's singlehandedly built an incredible amusement park in his restaurant's backyard. Bruno comes up with ideas himself, and even does the welding.

From some angles it looks almost ordinary, but make no mistake, it's a playground on steroids. And it's free to guests of the restaurant.

The attractions are also all kinetic, meaning powered only by human movement.

And they look insanely fun.

"A branch falls, a leaf floats down, a bird flies by, a stone rolls," Bruno said. "And I say to myself, 'Maybe I can use this movement.' That's how my ideas are born."

Here's a firsthand look at the different contraptions filmed by Tom Scott, a brave soul who paid Ai Pioppi a recent visit.

View this video on YouTube


Though he had a bit of a mishap off-camera that led to a hospital visit.

Bruno said his first rides were small, but as he got more passionate about his idea, he learned more advanced welding techniques. His park grew and grew.

H/T BoingBoing