J. Crew Just Had A 4-Year-Old Instagram Star Design A Collection For Them

    Seriously, kids these days.

    Remember amazingly adorable 4-year-old designer Mayhem?

    The one who created incredibly spot-on versions of designer dresses with her mom, Angie?

    And super creative original visions?

    Well now she's back! With a new collection for J. Crew!

    The Cincinnati, Ohio, native and her parents flew to New York to turn some of Mayhem's cool drawings and dress creations into a nine-piece collection for J. Crew's kids' line, Crewcuts.

    "When we met with Mayhem for the first time we were really curious to see how she would work," Jenny Cooper, head of Crewcuts Design, told BuzzFeed Life.

    Mayhem brought some of her drawings to the offices and then worked with J. Crew's designers and patternmakers to make them a reality.

    There she also met J. Crew Creative Director Jenna Lyons, who showed Mayhem how to style a pom-pom scarf.

    "Were amazed to watch this barely 4-year-old girl start meticulously folding the pleats on a skirt and placing stones very specifically and carefully on a top she had just fashioned around herself," said Cooper.

    Mayhem, it turns out, has a very particular design perspective.

    Want evidence? Here's Mayhem styling Crewcuts model Gia with a sparkly necklace.

    The materials for this particular garment? Gold gift wrap and tape.

    One of Mayhem's requirements for the garments? Twirlability.

    Here are just a few of the finished pieces from the collection, which will be available in stores this spring.

    "She has such an inventive and creative personality that really resonated with us," said Cooper of the collaboration. "It was great to have a truly creative child be at the heart of the design process."