How To Survive A First Date According To Chuck Palahniuk

    "I will have sex with a stranger but I will not split food."

    1. Do you pick the place, or let them take the lead?

    2. Do you show up early, on time, or a few minutes late?

    3. How did you meet this person in the first place?

    4. If you could invent a cologne to wear to this date, what would it be called?

    5. What do you order for dinner?

    6. Do you bring up exes on the first date?

    "'I don't do this a lot, I'm pretty new to this scene.'"

    7. What do you do if your date keeps checking their phone?

    8. The waiter hits on your date. What do you do?

    9. Your date goes to the bathroom for like 20 minutes. Your immediate thought is:

    "My date is a pig who doesn't share."

    10. Do you split dessert or get your own?

    11. Do you pay the bill or split it (or hint that the other person should maybe pick up the whole tab)?

    "I always pay the bill."

    12. Your date mentions a book and it makes you fall in love with them instantly. What is the book?

    "Peter was a minimalist writer who studied with Gordon Lish and wrote just this one fantastic, beautiful book of short stories, and then he died. And the book went out of print. So if this person has found it and read it, this might be the person."

    Thanks, Chuck!

    Make sure to check out Chuck Palahniuk’s new short story collection Make Something Up and the comic book series Fight Club 2.