This Is What It's Like Being The Most Popular Woman In The NYC Dating Scene

    Popular is a new book chronicling the dating adventures/misadventures of Lauren Urasek, who would receive up to 35 messages a day on OkCupid.

    In January 2014, Lauren Urasek became the most-messaged woman on OkCupid, racking in up to 15,000 four- or five-star ratings in just a matter of months.

    Of course, this meant that Urasek received a lot of questionable propositions, prompting her to write a book about her experiences.

    Some were predictably trash.

    While others were wondrously bizarre.

    "There are too many to single out just one," Urasek told BuzzFeed when asked about the craziest pickup line, "but one of my all time favorites is 'My dick is hard with Satan's rage for your face.'"

    Of course, when she did respond to some of these messages, her comebacks were golden.

    "[Once] a guy asked if I was into being 'dominated' and I responded with 'you should take a chick to dinner before you ask if she's into being choked,'" said Urasek recalling one of her most satisfying responses.

    When asked about what openers actually work, Urasek simply stated: "Just be a genuine and respectful person. It's pretty simple."

    But the biggest IRL red flag Lauren has encountered is inconsistency. "If a guy bails on plans, answers your texts hours later consistently, and doesn't seem that interested...he's not that interested."

    So with all the creeps out there, how does one stay optimistic about online dating?

    "You could also ask the same question and apply it to meeting people IRL. With all the catcallers/creeps in the world, how do women stay optimistic about meeting anyone out in the world?"

    To read all about Lauren Urasek's dating experiences, be sure to pick up a copy of Popular!