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5 People Reveal What Happens Behind The Perfect Instagram

Is there really nothing an Instagram filter can't hide?

We asked five people to show us their Instagram and reveal just how much effort and thought went into getting that perfect photo.

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Some people came clean and said their Instagram was actually just a way to show off their body.

Even if their caption didn't quite convey that.

Others said they chose the pose based on their most liked pictures on Instagram.

And some Instagrams weren't even taken using their cell phone.

Most people admitted that they didn't nail the perfect shot on their first try.

Others revealed they spent a long time debating what to post...

...like, a really long time.

All in all, most people seemed to choose their photos based on a fear of what others might think.

Which is something anyone with a social media account has thought about.

All in all, it doesn't matter how many followers you have or what gender you are — we all think about it.

So, we're challenging YOU this Sunday to upload an honest moment on Instagram with the hashtag #IfSocialMediaWereHonest.