

-Gonna copy Dustin's caption- HI.!!!!!!!!! I'm a lover, and I'm a sinner. I play my music in the sun. ┌∩┐(^_--)┌∩┐ To me, the quote "Your too old for that" doesnt make much sense.(: Ehhhh I was born, I'm currently alive, somewhere in there i learned how to walk and talk. very detailed, yes? :3 lmao anyways why wasn't i obsessed with harry potter as a kid like everyone else was? The world may never know o.o >:) Hey, lol im jq :) i'm accident prone, i love chinese takeout, loud music, and when stupid people get whats coming to them! im a little kid at heart! i have so many stuffed animals they over crowd my bed, i still color in coloring books, and eat lunchables ^_^ i love hanging out with people, its all about the nightlife in orlando. I try to be as good of a friend as I can but I've found I'm one horrible advice-giver! I do have my moments of pure brilliance though ;) I have so many bad habits from something as small as cracking my knuckles or gritting my teeth to keeping grudges for years. I try, but I really can't help it. I'm pretty outgoing, but it mostly depends on my mood, if I had a bad day I'll keep to myself.I think everyone deserves one chance in my book, but if you mess it up I'll never forget. I can't sit still too long, I love making my friends happy and my enemies miserable (; I'm an energetic girl who loves naps. (weird, huh?) I love animals but I'm always craving hamburgers!!!! I guess I really dont make sense, but whoever said life ever had to? ;)

May 2011
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