17 Questions Recent Grads Are Tired Of Hearing

    Go ahead. Ask me how the job search is going ONE MORE TIME.

    Shortly after college graduation season came to an end, we asked the BuzzFeed Community what questions they're tired of hearing as recent grads. Here's what they had to say.

    1. Hi, this is the alumni office calling. Can you donate $100 to the scholarship fund?

    2. So, how's the job search going?

    3. Have you thought about going to grad school?

    4. Oh, you majored in [humanities subject]? So you're going to be a teacher?

    5. It’s a hard market for full-time work, isn’t it?

    6. Remind me — how long has it been exactly since you graduated?

    7. How does it feel now that the best four years of your life are behind you?

    8. Have you thought about starting to save for retirement, emergencies, and such yet?

    9. Have you considered moving back in with your parents? It wouldn't be the end of the world.

    10. Or, Oh, you still live with your parents...?

    11. Are you still single? I heard online dating really works for people your age!

    12. How long should we expect till you settle down and start a family? Some grandkids sure would be nice!

    13. What exactly do you plan on doing with your degree? Ever wish you had majored in something else?

    14. Oh, you’re still working retail?

    15. But, like, when are you going to get a real job that uses your degree?

    16. I know you're probably so tired of hearing this, but what's next for you?

    17. And the most dreaded of all: Where do you see yourself five years down the road?

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