
Jonathan S.

There are two letters that are capable of changing our world. These two letters are "un". You can be happy one minute, and "un"happy the next. You can be facing an impossible task, and then the next minute, with the addition of this all-important prefix, you can make the task doable, or "unimpossible". In fact, thats what all my comedy videos represent. And that's why I've created Its a place to watch and purchase some of the best videos ever created. That's right, I've made full-length feature films. Let's face it. Now, when I say that, you're left thinking whats this metaphorical it I'm describing? Well, that is completely irrelevant. The point is, I'm open-minded. Not so open-minded that my brains are falling out, but that I'm willing to listen to what you've got to say. Not that I'm promising to agree or anything. Most things, I don't have any problems with. This applies to basically everything on the spectrum between music and pizza. Sometimes I refrain from getting sausage because it's not Kosher. Sometimes, I forget it's actually sausage. Maybe it was beef. I hope it was beef. Please, tell me that was beef. Beef is good. See? I like most foods. Especially if it tastes like pasta. I like acting, but not drama. I'm free spirited, not free of spirit. I'm sure I have other witty slogans, but I make them as I go along; it's whatever happens to boat my float at the time. The doors are open to the future, although I like to keep my door shut at night. It's much quieter. I'm gonna go do something good now, brb.

Jan 2010
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