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    Things All Nerdy And Geeky Enthusiast Who Missed Comic Con Can Relate Too.

    In celebration of the passing of NYCC i decided to make a post about the struggles of not being able to attend.

    The many excuses for why you couldn't go.

    1. "I just couldn't work it into my schedule."

    2. "Work just wouldn't let me take those days off."

    3. (tickets were sold out before you got payed)" I guess i'll just go next year."

    4. "All that were left were one day passes at $150"

    Seeing all your friends posts while ComicCon is happening.

    Friends saying "I wish you were here."

    Other groups of friends saying "I wish you were here!" on the 3rd/4th days.

    (Happened to me) "Hey I can't go tomorrow do you want my pass." (I had a nontransferable shift at work)

    But now its over and you can stop crying... Rejoin Society while you're at it.

    You socially awkward individual you!