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Kick-Ass Female Action Heroes

The role of the action hero isn't just limited to guys. These iconic women are some of the toughest characters around -- like Dejah Thoris, the princess at the center of the upcoming movie "John Carter," coming to theaters in March 2012.

How To Tell If You're An Epic Hero

Are you on the hero's journey? This simple quiz will help you figure it out. You've got two options here: Either you're like John Carter, a brave hero on a journey that will change your life -- and possibly the world! -- or you're a kind of pathetic, sad loser. Answer honestly! Truthfulness if always a quality of an epic hero.

A Glossary Of Weird Sci-Fi & Fantasy Names

Sci-fi names can be difficult to keep track of at times. Luckily, we've compiled a thorough list of some of the most interesting fantasy names in Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord Of The Rings, and John Carter. Before John Carter hits theaters in March of 2012, acquaint yourself to some of the characters in this epic film.

The Formula For A Successful Action-Adventure Movie

What's the magic formula for a great action-adventure movie? It's all about the hero, of course. His grand journey is what keeps people on the edge of their seats. Next spring, John Carter will join the ranks of other epic movie heroes. Use this infographic to learn what it takes to have a successful action-adventure movie.

The Most Compelling Love Stories From Comics

What is a good comic book series without a romantic storyline? Every epic hero has a romantic love interest, that special person who is the reason they strive to be the best they can be. Here are some comic book love stories that are just as epic as the battles they inevitably lead to.

The 15 Best Upcoming Movies Based On Books

Before becoming magic on the big screen, some of the greatest movies of all time began as books. Next year, John Carter -- of the epic Barsoom series -- will spring off the printed page and come to life on the screen. Be sure to like John Carter on Facebook to stay up to date. Check out these other amazing forthcoming movies based on books.

10 Retro Heroes You Should Know About

John Carter was a legendary hero who came before Superman and Batman. To celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the John Carter legacy, the incredible adventures of this timeless hero are being brought to the big screen in March 2012. Here are other classic heroes that conquered the odds and made way for modern action adventures.

The 25 Greatest Action-Adventure Movies Of All Time

Looking for thrills and an epic story? These are the best movies of the genre. These are all great movies, but what would be on your list? Add your favorites below. Next spring, the next great action-adventure movie hits the big screen. Catch John Carter in theaters March 2012.

The Most Influential People In Pop Culture

The books you read, movies you watch, and clothes you wear are all inspired by the pioneers of pop culture. These major players helped influence entire movements of art, film, music, clothing, and stories. Edgar Rice Burroughs' amazing stories about John Carter influenced generations of writers, artists, and illustrators. In March 2012, John Carter’s image will come to life on the big screen. Learn about Burroughs and some other influential people of pop culture here.

8 Original Mavericks Who Could Still Kick Your Butt

These are the most OG of epic heroes: Some of them have been around for 100 years, but they're still way, way tougher than you are. These are the eight characters that started it all, the guys who put the action in "action star," and each of them could absolutely destroy you in every way possible -- starting with John Carter, who will be coming to a theater near you next March.

9 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Edgar Rice Burroughs

His name probably sounds vaguely familiar, but his influence is all around you. Burroughs, a prolific writer of the early twentieth century, is probably best known for creating Tarzan -- but one of his most lasting creations, epic hero John Carter, is coming to life on the big screen in March 2012. Here are 9 things about Burroughs' life that you'll be surprised you didn't already know.