16 Unhelpful Life Lessons From Pinterest

    Teach us, oh Pinterest, of life and love.

    1. You should be eating tiny meals out of a mug.

    2. Stack your cookies and stack 'em high.

    3. You could easily put Anthropologie out of business.

    4. There's nothing that can't be a terrarium.

    5. The key to losing weight is putting cucumber and other gunk in your water.

    6. Almond milk, vanilla extract, baking cocoa, ice and a banana will taste identical to a Wendy's Frosty.

    Works best if you've never tried an actual Frosty before in your life.

    7. Children should be more stylish than you will ever be.

    8. Any hairstyle is possible with a minimum of 6,000 easy steps.

    9. Print out your Instagrams and bring them into the world.

    Instagrams were meant to be touched, smelled, felt.

    10. You should expand your definition of the word "easy."

    11. A photograph of your coffee belongs in a museum.

    So artsy.

    12. The #1 rule of sandwich photography is ooze factor.

    Also important: oozability, oozishness, and the oozing quotient.

    13. You should imitate the magic of chain restaurant food in your own home.

    14. Being physically able to pull your food apart is important.

    15. There's no limit to what you can do with a baby's foot.

    16. Mason jars are God.