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    Avatar on Netflix?

    Could Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra, be persuaded to make more TV if Netflix bought the rights from Nickelodeon?

    After finishing The Legend of Korra, we all had the same question in our minds; what next?

    We know that Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino (Bryke) want to continue working with the Avatar franchise (Not to be confused with James Cameron's oversized Smurfs), as they continue to expand the story through comics.

    Anyone who's "in-the-know" will tell you that Nickelodeon practically hated Legend of Korra. After moving it from the coveted Saturday morning slot to Friday night, it was then made into an online-only show. I can safely say that I am not the only LOK fan who took this as a personal offense.

    The Legend of Korra is one of the greatest animated shows of all time; it is totally unique and tackled issues such as genocide, homosexuality, equality, anarchism and the ethics of the military; which is more than can be said for any children's show I can think of. Nickelodeon weren't prepared for the questions that LOK was asking, and discontinued the Avatar franchise. You know who IS good at addressing those issues through television without fear of backlash? Netflix.

    Anyone who has enjoyed modern classics such as Orange Is The New Black, Lilyhammer or House of Cards, knows that Netflix comes out with some outstanding content. Not only that, but they have a track record for re-igniting franchises with a cult following, such as Arrested Development.

    So I ask you; Why does Netflix not buy the rights to Avatar?

    Bryke are clearly keen to keep working in the Avatar universe, be it with Aang, Korra or someone new... so why not give them the chance to do it? Korra succeeded enough online with minimal support from Nickelodeon, so imagine the potential if the series were to continue on the TV giant that is Netflix?

    Do you feel the same way? Sign the petition below!

    Sign the petition here!