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    26 Pictures Of Politicians When They Were Younger

    Show business for ugly people? Check out that haircut.

    1. George Osborne.

    2. Boris Johnson.

    3. John Prescott.

    4. Ed Miliband

    5. Ann Widdicombe.

    6. Tony Blair.

    7. Louise Mensch.

    8. Edwina Currie.

    9. Ming Campbell.

    10. Alex Salmond.

    11. Michael Heseltine.

    12. Danny Alexander.

    13. David Cameron.

    14. Damian Green.

    15. Nick Clegg.

    16. Michael Howard.

    17. Michael Portillo.

    18. Hilary Benn.

    19. Diane Abbott.

    20. William Hague.

    21. Ken Clarke.

    22. Alistair Darling.

    23. Michael Gove.

    24. Jacob Rees-Mogg.

    25. Gordon Brown.

    26. Eric Pickles.