David Cameron Is Following An Escort Agency On Twitter (But It's Not The Scandal You Think It Is)

    The prime minister appears to be showing an interest in ladies of the night. But let's hold fire for a minute.

    The BBC is running this story about the Prime Minister's online browsing habits.

    Phwoar, this will become a scandal faster than you can say "social media gaffe".

    No. For once this really is the legacy of Gordon Brown.

    The Prime Minister likes nothing more than to blame all the nation's current ills on the previous Labour administration. But the relevant account – @Number10gov – is run by the civil service. And it comes with the job of Prime Minister, in the same way that he gets the keys to the real-life Number 10.

    In short: it's an outlet for dreary official press releases and the ilk. And it was originally set up during Brown's time in office, with the picture changing when Cameron swept into Downing Street. But the followers and following lists stayed the same.

    Look, here's a Twitter account with David Cameron's face on it. But it's actually a thrilling Gordon Brown-era tweet from 2008.

    Gordon Brown calls for action on new "financial vision" following talks with Jose Manuel Barroso at the EU Council in Brussels this morning.

    UK Prime Minister


    Gordon Brown calls for action on new "financial vision" following talks with Jose Manuel Barroso at the EU Council in Brussels this morning.

    / Via

    It's fair to say that Brown's team weren't great at Twitter.

    The end result is that if you're a typical Twitter user today and stumble onto one of these spam accounts, you'll immediately see Cameron's face next to it.

    Still, the headline writers will have their fun.

    We reckon Cameron's Downing Street staff will be performing a mass unfollow tomorrow morning.

    UPDATE: Cameron's team have already unfollowed the account. But Carltons has gained followers.