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    18 GIFs From "The Emperor's New Groove" You Need In Your Life


    1. When you successfully snapchat in public without getting caught.

    2. When you're describing your ex's S.O.

    3. When your friends and family ask you about your plans for after graduation.

    4. When people try to tell you pumpkin spice is ~soooo~ basic.

    5. When you turn 23.

    6. When you're third wheeling while tubing.

    7. When you're in an empty movie theater and someone sits RIGHT in front of you.

    8. When Netflix removes a season even though you weren't finished.

    9. When you look in the mirror and see a blemish the size of Texas.

    10. When Chipotle employees underestimate your loyalty to Gauc.

    11. Or when you're eating fries and your friend tries to take one.

    12. When you come across a new cat vine.

    13. When you're scrolling through Tinder.

    14. When you're intensely working out to Spotify and an ad comes on.

    15. When someone comments on your Facebook status and makes it about them.

    16. When your selfie hits 100 likes.

    17. When you see someone wearing rolled over Uggs.

    18. When your friends ask if you'll participate in Sunday Funday.

    Life's a bitch, but you still got it.