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    The 30 Steps Of Every Single Diet In The World

    Time to face reality buddies.

    1. It begins when your mom makes a comment about your tight clothes

    2. But then getting your pants on becomes an exercise

    3. And this becomes your best friend's reaction when you go out to eat

    4. So you decide to dust off that old scale in the bathroom

    5. You unwillingly decide to begin your diet

    6. At first, it's not so bad

    7. And you even lose your first pound

    8. But then you go out to eat with your friends and they're all like

    9. But you're all

    10. And your feelings about this diet begin to change

    11. Your friends try to cheer you on, and you're like

    12. But inside, you're like

    13. You realize the weight of your decision

    14. And you begin to cry yourself to sleep

    15. Giving up would be so much easier

    16. But you continue, and this becomes your reaction to everything

    17. McDonald's becomes the object of your desire

    18. And your relationship with cake becomes obssessive

    19. And you realize that life sucks

    20. Because every day feels like this

    21. So you have a good cry

    22. And take that first chocolatey, delicious bite

    23. At first, you feel like this

    24. But then you decide to stop the charade and tell the truth

    25. And your whole world changes

    26. You begin visiting your fridge again

    27. And you see the error of your ways

    28. This becomes your reaction after eating that last slice of cake

    29. And you realize how fabulous you actually are

    30. Because let's face it, who needs diets when you have cookies?