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    You Know You're An SEC Sorority Girl If...

    Whether you bleed Black & Gold or chant Roll Tide Roll you know the SEC has the best sorority girls around.

    1. You've been wearing your letters since birth. Why not? Mom, grandma, and great grandma are all Thetas.

    2. You're always in a Lily State of Mind.

    3. You live by the Football Holy Trinity: Sundresses, Pearls and Tailgates .

    4. You wear your school colors with pride even if they clash...sorry Gators

    5. This is your closet.

    6. Rush is 365 Days a Year - no exception.

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    7. Derby Days is more exciting than Ryan Gosling serving you breakfast in bed in Paris.

    8. You've already stalked cooler connection and started picking out how you want to design your cooler...even though you don't have a date yet.

    9. You never spell out 'MERICA.

    10. A girl should be two things: classy & fabulous - Coco Chanel

    11. You monogram everything, including your boyfriends (branding them hurts too much).

    12. Best Men? Nantucket Red pants, blazers, & an Excessive Trust Fund (shirts optional).

    13. You skipped the Academic Olympics for Rush (a chapter requirement)...

    14. But then you skip the first day of rush for the SAE beer pong Olympics (a girl has to have priorities).

    15. You're in the SEC - Nuff Said