Watching Contacts Being Made Is Oddly Mesmerizing

    You stick it in your eye, but do you know where it came from?

    Contact lenses have been around for more than 100 years and a lot has changed since they were invented.

    A computer controls a lathe that cuts the disc down to size based on the prescription strength.

    Then, they polish the lens with this spinning machine and an abrasive paste.

    To make the outside curve, they coat the whole thing in this weird brown wax.

    More diamond carving!

    This machine that looks like dancing double-stuff Oreos polishes the lens again.

    The hard disc is soaked in water for 24 hours which turns it into the soft flimsy thing you can actually use.

    That's it! Aside from the soaking, the whole thing only takes about 15 minutes.

    Goodbye glasses, hello weird plastic disc in my eye!

    See the full video here.