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13 Things You've Gone Too Long Without Knowing

But there's no day like today!

1. You can walk into Costco and buy alcohol without a membership.

2. If you use a Sharpie on a dry-eraser board by accident, write over it with a dry-erase marker, and then it'll wipe away.

3. A U.S. dollar bill is 6 inches long; use it to measure stuff in a pinch.

4. When it gets awkward talking to someone new, remember the FORD method for making small talk.

5. If you ever get lost in a city, look at the roofs. Most satellite dishes face south if you're in the Northern Hemisphere.

6. Honey never spoils.

7. Middle-clicking a link opens it in a new tab without switching to it.

8. To avoid crying while cutting an onion, put the onion in the freezer for about 15 minutes before cutting it.

9. Rubbing your dog's ears releases endorphins, which makes them feel really good.

10. If you save your Powerpoint presentations as .pps instead of .ppt, they'll open directly into presentation mode.

11. When apologizing, replace the word "but" with a pause.

12. A piece of bread will help you pick up glass shards left over from dropping a glass or lightbulb.

13. Mouthing the word "colorful" to someone looks like you're saying "I love you."