29 Reasons Jimmy Page Is The Most Badass Person Alive

    In the beginning there was Led Zeppelin. The end.

    1. He was the cutest guitar-playing kid ever:

    2. His hair is as luscious and vibrant as the English moors:

    3. Luscious, luscious hair:

    4. He makes this ridiculous hat look not-so-ridiculous:

    5. He looks the least like a creepy uncle in this photo:

    6. One time he humored Fred Durst by letting him breathe the same air as him (briefly):

    7. He still bros out with his old bandmates:

    8. You know, those guys.

    9. (In case you were wondering, yes, his hair has gone white from sheer awesomeness.)

    10. This is what happens when he plays guitar in front of legends:

    11. He still plays air guitar, even though he's JIMMY FUCKING PAGE:

    12. Who else can rock the chest hair/pendant look with such aplomb?

    13. Or the piece-y bangs look:

    14. Or the man cardigan:

    15. Or the famous dragon suit.

    16. He pretty much invented the Rachel haircut:

    17. And he even made the "Howard Stern" look decent.

    18. He does this move without looking crazy:

    19. Also, he can play guitar pretty well.

    20. He wrote some of the greatest riffs in music history.

    21. You know, he's, like, OK.

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    22. Like, moderately decent.

    23. OH YEAH.

    24. I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

    25. You wish you were both the 6-string and the 12-string neck:

    26. You wish you were this violin bow:

    27. Is there a sexier guitar face than this?

    28. He was badass then...

    29. And at 69, it doesn't get more badass than this: