27 People Who Know What Valentine's Day Is Really About

    Er, weed.


    Weed is my only Valentine-- No Mention = No FB


    Weed is my valentine.-- â–³LMASITA


    Weed is my Valentine.-- COSTAâ„ 


    This is actually kind of sad cause i have no weed, & maryjane was supposed to be my valentine :(

    This is actually kind of sad cause i have no weed, & maryjane was supposed to be my valentine :(-- irie eyes


    My class work and weed is my Valentine-- porn star kangol


    My Valentine is weed never did me wrong -maryjane

    My Valentine is weed never did me wrong -maryjane-- govna forcie force


    Whiskey and weed is my valentine-- The Notorious


    RT If Mary Jane is your Valentine today.-- Weed Tweets â„¢


    Wearin a Marley shirt cus my Valentine is Mary Jane.

    Wearin a Marley shirt cus my Valentine is Mary Jane.-- •DisturbedDom•


    Me and Mary Jane have been Valentine's for years...

    Me and Mary Jane have been Valentine's for years...-- Rob0_Green


    Can I get a bouquet of weed and a bottle of Patron for Valentine's Day?

    Can I get a bouquet of weed and a bottle of Patron for Valentine's Day?-- prettygirlproblems


    All of this money spent on Valentine's Day presents when you could've bought the greatest gift of all.. Weed.

    All of this money spent on Valentine's Day presents when you could've bought the greatest gift of all.. Weed.-- Acid Queen


    Fuck all this nonsense, I want a big bag of weed and a stripper with morality issues for Valentine's Day.

    Fuck all this nonsense,
    I want a big bag of weed and a stripper with morality issues for Valentine's Day.-- Leif


    If someone surprised me on Valentine's Day with a huge beer and weed, I'd date you so hard.

    If someone surprised me on Valentine's Day with a huge beer and weed, I'd date you so hard.-- DrMindFreak


    What girlfriend you know gives her boyfriend a quarter of weed for Valentine's Day?! (;

    What girlfriend you know gives her boyfriend a quarter of weed for Valentine's Day?! (;-- Jessssey


    Weed is my Valentine I'm chilling with it all day 😁.

    Weed is my Valentine I'm chilling with it all day 😁.-- Eli A. Matos


    My valentine is this weed brownie👌🍁

    My valentine is this weed brownie👌🍁-- Emily Elizabeth


    My valentine is a quarter of weed-- Danny McNeil


    going to ask my mom for money to buy my valentine a gift, I'm my own valentine and weed is my gift

    going to ask my mom for money to buy my valentine a gift, I'm my own valentine and weed is my gift-- Gabi Cerrutti


    Perfect Valentine's Day gift? Marijuana. 💚

    Perfect Valentine's Day gift? Marijuana. 💚-- Nick Huggins


    Marijuana is my valentine <3-- CruzitoX3


    Perfect Valentine&#39;s Day gift? Marijuana. &#x1F49A;

    Perfect Valentine's Day gift? Marijuana. 💚-- Nick Huggins


    Marijuana is my Valentine.-- Call Me Rueskii ✌


    I don&#39;t have a valentine, but I think I&#39;ll be okay with just smoking a lot of pot on valentines day.

    I don't have a valentine, but I think I'll be okay with just smoking a lot of pot on valentines day.-- batman


    Weed you be my Valentine?-- Chris Toppino


    My Valentine&#39;s Day breakfast consist of weed #yummy

    My Valentine's Day breakfast consist of weed #yummy-- ✨Alice&Molly


    Valentine&rsquo;s Day isn&rsquo;t about having a mate or receiving gifts. It isn&rsquo;t about kissing or hugging. It&rsquo;s about weed.

    Valentine’s Day isn’t about having a mate or receiving gifts. It isn’t about kissing or hugging. It’s about weed.-- Taylor B