12 Unique Easter Traditions From Around The World

    Slovakia does WHAT on Easter?

    Finns treat Easter like Halloween.

    Australians have the "Easter Bilby" instead of the Easter Bunny.

    In Greece, people paint their Easter eggs red.

    In Poland, the master of the house isn't allowed to participate in the making of the traditional Easter bread.

    In southwest France, people make a giant omelette on Easter Monday.

    Communities make beautiful carpets of sawdust and flowers that are usually a mile long.

    Here Easter is a joyous affair celebrated by flying kites on Good Friday.

    Germans decorate trees with colorful hand-painted Easter eggs.

    In Switzerland, people decorate wells and fountains leading up to Easter.

    The tradition in Brazil is to make straw dolls of Judas and bring them out to the streets to beat them up.

    In Scotland, people roll their brightly decorated Easter eggs down a steep hill.

    And finally, in Slovakia, men whip women with a willow and splash them with water.