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23 Real-Life Struggles Of Being 23

Whoever said your early twenties were carefree lied!

1. When you go out, you try to act like you're still in college...

2. Only to realize the next day your body can't handle it like it used to.

3. You have to consciously weigh going out vs. getting sleep...

4. Because you know going to work hungover is the worst!

5. You know you should make friends with your older colleagues, but what do you even talk about?

6. And you're too old now to keep hitting up college parties.

7. So you get even more confused when people tell you just to act your age.

8. Your parents start to throw around the hard questions, like when you'll bring home a nice boy or girlfriend.

9. You keep realizing how much harder it is to chill with old friends, and you worry they might judge you if you keep blowing them off.

10. You have to set your significant other's standards way low, since you barely have any cash.

11. Your friends keep insisting that no one likes you when you're 23.

12. It's more important than ever to hide all those questionable Facebook pictures.

13. You're constantly on edge about how your family will judge your fledgling career choices.

14. People over 25 don't respect your growing existential panic as you approach your mid-twenties.

15. You have fewer and fewer excuses for not being able to cook.

16. You can't help but subconsciously compare your life to HIMYM...

17. Or to Friends...

18. Or really to any Nicholas Sparks movie.

19. You'll resort to paying for fast food in change at least once in a drunken stupor.

20. Asking old professors for advice won't be as helpful as you hope.

21. Your job is nothing like you hoped it would be.

22. So you begin to understand "working for the weekend" all too well...

23. And you realize that your life is defined by what your job is.

But whatever, let the haters hate. You know that being 23 is still somehow awesome.

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