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    Reasons Why Utica Is A Weird Place To Live

    Utica, NY is a very bizarre place to experience and these meme's have been collected over time on the Facebook page People Of Utica.

    1. The city's shopping cart antics are out of control.

    2. Utica has it's own Cat Woman.

    3. The Arby's in South Utica is legendary for it's snazzy signs....

    4. Scooters are a logic here.

    5. The city has original Halloween Candy.

    6. Broke on Valentines, don't worry, EBT has you covered!

    7. Utica's lack of repairs to the roads has become a source of entertainment.

    9. The teens are pretty active early on.

    10. It's not uncommon to see a shopping cart grill.

    11. Utica's very own Barbie

    12. Summer is a scary time.

    13. Not even Super Man can help Utica....

    14. It's not uncommon to see hair weave in random locations.

    15. The Utica Wine opener is "Screwed."

    16. You'll never forget this local legend Rainbow Young.

    17. Utican's are master inventors when it come to heating systems.

    18. When you leave, don't forget to turn out the lights.