45 Realizations Every Boarding School Grad Has

    Vivaaaaat Academiaaaaaa.

    1. When your new friends find out you went to boarding school, they'll probably ask if your parents hate you.

    2. ... or if you're filthy rich.

    3. People will definitely ask if your school was just like Hogwarts.

    4. After boarding school, suddenly no one knows who you are.

    5. All your high school friends are now scattered around the world.

    6. But you'll be sure to see them as often as possible.

    7. You'll want to rep your school as often as you can.

    8. You'll find that at college, people will take the Honor Code way less seriously.

    9. And you'll realize your high school motto really got to you.

    10. The library will no longer be your main place to hang out.

    11. And you'll actually miss the creative locations of your boarding school hookups.

    12. When you come home for the night, there won't be warm cookies left out for you from your dorm faculty.

    13. And you'll probably never care as much about your college's football rivalry as you care about your high school's.

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    Even if any public school team could've kicked your team's ass.

    14. Because boarding school rivalries run deep.

    15. Lecture halls will make you realize the genius of the Harkness Table.

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    So THAT's why we sat at weird oblong tables all the time.

    16. And every once in a while, you'll sort of miss having quiet hours and lights out.

    17. You'll miss the infirmary nurses.

    18. You'll miss the chapel bells.

    19. Your university newspaper will probably pale in comparison to your school paper.

    20. And suddenly, debate won't be the hottest extracurricular.

    21. You'll become the go-to person for teaching others how to do laundry.

    22. You'll realize the blessing of knowing how to flirt sober.

    23. And you'll realize that your boarding school was pretty damn progressive.

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    24. New friends will get really confused about the weird words you use for everything.

    25. You don't even know who you're allowed to cuddle.

    26. You will miss your English teachers like crazy.

    27. You'll miss walking on familiar paths and knowing every person's name.

    28. You'll miss those classy sit-down dinners each week.

    29. You'll miss all your favorite quiet spots, like the reading room...

    30. ... or the open fields.

    31. And you'll miss the tiny touches the dining staff added to make you feel special.

    32. You'll miss your roommate like a missing limb.

    33. And you'll have to constantly gauge how weird you can be around your new friends.

    34. But you'll be grateful not to have to check out every time you leave campus.

    35. You'll be grateful not to have Saturday classes.

    36. You'll probably be way more comfortable with nudity than your new peers.

    37. You know exactly how to crank out a quality paper.

    38. And public speaking will be an absolute breeze.

    39. You'll miss all your weird campus landmarks.

    40. You'll miss autumn on campus most of all.

    41. But, alright, you'll probably miss boarding school winters too.

    42. Unless you went to boarding school on the West Coast, in which case you'll miss views like this.

    43. You'll be grateful for the confidence, independence, and education your boarding school gave you.

    44. No matter how far you roam, there's always a part of your heart that will stay on your boarding school's campus.

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    45. Because the main thing you realize when you graduate from boarding school is how much it felt like home.