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    The Editors Of Lucky Magazine And Warby Parker Had A Glorious Ping Pong Tournament

    can you imagine something more fab?

    Eva Chen, the fabulous Editor-in-Chief of Lucky Magazine, sent this tweet yesterday afternoon:

    Aaaand their ads look something like this:

    Aaand their founders look pretty much exactly like their ads...

    Aaand Eva Chen always looks like this:

    How we might imagine their glorious pong table to look:

    And their game probably looked something like this:

    And they wore these fab jerseys.

    Meanwhile us college students are all like:

    Or probably more like this:

    And as the night goes on, probably like this:

    Though we imagine we look a bit like this:

    While we imagine the fashion elites with something like this:

    Unfortunately for the Lucky Ladies, they got trounced...

    Aaand then they all dashed off to the Fashion 2.0 Awards where everyone won.

    Speaking of Eva Chen's awesomeness on Twitter....

    And if you weren't convinced yet: