19 Glorious Shots Of Shoe Porn Starring Kylie Minogue

    The pop diva's #ShoeOfTheDay Instagram posts are a gift to us all.

    1. Kylie Minogue is flawless and so are her shoes.

    2. Look at these things.

    3. No seriously LOOK AT THEM.

    4. They just...

    5. They are...

    6. ashajdfajhafki

    7. akasdgia; fhakhdls

    9. Are you drooling yet?

    10. How about now?

    11. Need a cold shower?

    12. OK have a break. Here's a picture with more Kylie than shoes.

    13. And these ones...

    14. And OMG these ones...

    15. Kylie knows how to work those feet.

    16. Even when she's casual her shoes look amazing.

    17. She probably has the most blessed feet in the world.

    18. Well done, Kylie.

    19. Please never stop.