29 Faces Everyone With Annoying Parents Will Immediately Recognise

    You don't own me!

    1. The "Parents Deliberately Embarrassing Me" Face:

    Max's face is genuinely my face when my parents start to embarrass me in public

    2. The "I Was Hoping You'd Forget About That" Face:

    My face when my parents asks me how my classes are going.

    3. The "Parents Did Something Fun Without Me" Face:

    My face when I find out my parents had pizza without me

    4. The "I Could Never Get Away With That" Face:

    My face when my friends cuss at their parents and they don't care

    5. The "They Can't Tell I'm Lying Right?" Face:

    The Face you make when your parents can ask you were are you and you reply by saying 'Ehm my....Friends house'

    6. The "Parents Make My Life So Unfair" Face:

    My face when my parents say I can't go to the movies with @MiaBennett26 and @bentley_kasey <img src="https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v1/72x72/1f612.png">

    7. The "Why Do You Have To Rub Salt In My Wounds?" Face:

    My face when my parents ask me about my EX

    8. The "Parents Are Human Too" Face:

    My face when my parents show PDA in front of me #tooold

    9. The "Exceeded Parental Expectations" Face:

    When my parents asked me what I got on a test they thought I failed but I actually passed #AHS

    10. The "Pretty Please Let Me Have This" Face:

    My face when I ask my parents if I could go out with my friends:

    11. The "I Know You Just Want To Nag Me" Face:

    face I make when my parents call❤️

    12. The "Parents Control Too Much Of My Life" Face:

    my face when i found out my parents canceled our HBO subscription

    13. The "Parent Teacher Night Is Happening" Face:

    #SecondarySchoolMemories my face in parents evening when the teacher started to snitch

    14. The "I've Never Wanted Anything More In My Life, Please Say Yes" Face:

    My face when I asked my parents if I can go see @wizkhalifa and the @TaylorGang in Paris.....

    15. The "I'm Not A Regular Mom, I'm A Cool Mom" Face:

    My face when my parents use modern day slang terms that I didn't teach them..

    16. The "Parents Can't Know I'm Not So Innocent" Face:

    My face when a funny sexual joke is made, but I can't laugh because I'm with my parents

    17. The "Are You Kidding Me With This Chore List?!" Face:

    My face when I just got done doing a chore and my parents tell me to do something else

    18. The "Forced Awkward Interaction With Relatives" Face:

    The face I make when my parents ask me to talk with a relative on the phone

    19. The "Parents Are So Disappointed" Face:

    Practicing this face for my parents when they get my finals grades

    20. The "I Can't Say Anything Without Getting In More Trouble" Face:

    My face when my parents yell at me...

    21. The "Parents Interrupting My Stories" Face:

    My face when my parents ask me to do something in the middle of a good show

    22. The "They're Onto Me" Face:

    This is the face I make when my parents ask, "Darius, have you been studying for your exams this week?"

    23. The "I Got The House To Myself" Face:

    My face when both my parents are going to work and im home alone sick

    24. The "Parents Just Don't Understand Me" Face:

    when my parents tell me I'm "too" obsessed with jacob

    25. The "Parents Can't Use Their iPhone" Face:

    when my parents ask me for help with technology

    26. The "Parents Are Stalking Me" Face:

    27. The "Why Don't You Adopt Them Already" Face:

    my face when parents brag about other people's kids

    28. The "Parents Putting Pressure On Me" Face:

    When my parents start talking about my future Me:

    29. And the "Driving Past McDonald's Struggle" Face: