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    The Most Important Man From WW2 History You Have Never Heard Of

    His name was Douglas M. Kelley. Who was he?

    In August 1945, U.S. Army major and psychiatrist Douglas M. Kelley arrived at a stripped-down former luxury hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg, that was a holding pen for captured leaders of the defeated Third Reich. Kelley's assignment was to examine the top-ranking prisoners — Hermann Göring, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Alfred Jodl, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner among many others — to determine their mental fitness for a trial by an international tribunal that awaited them in Nuremberg.

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    But Kelley, then 33, had a private agenda for his time with the Nazis. By extensively testing and interviewing the captives, he hoped to identify a mental disorder or "Nazi personality" common to the deposed leaders, that could explain their monstrous misdeeds. What he discovered during months he spent with the Nazis at Luxembourg and Nuremberg swept him into a dark current of bewildering psychology and personal misfortune. Yet today Kelley's work remains crucial to all efforts to understand the Nazi mind and the causes of World War II.

    Kelley healed thousands of soldiers

    He sought to understand the minds of the Nazis

    He used the Rorschach inkblot test

    He analyzed the pscyhes of the top 22 Nazis at Nuremberg

    He faced a tragic demise after the war