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    The Kids R Okay, R U? An Essay About Kids And Parents

    An essay

    Everyone’s TROLLING “What about the kids!!” and “We are trying to ‘help’ our children!”.

    Everyone’s ‘concerned’ with the damn ‘kids’, yet in the same lungful ‘roll their eyes’ any time any ‘kid’ around them blinks, breathes or Heaven forbid ‘raps’... The ‘parents’ are so ‘concerned’ with the ‘kids’ that they’re so ‘involved’ in making all the ‘decisions’ that what the ‘kids are left in the future. But the ‘world’ will be so-far-gone from what ‘kids’ wanted in the first place and in 10-30 year, ,more generations dying told they were too ‘weak’ , didn’t have enough ‘protest signs’ enough ‘funding’ or ‘political’ support, and when the ‘Decisions’ came and the ‘parents’ eventually died off it didn’t matter.

    We ‘kids’, now ‘parents’ ourselves, at this point had no independent ‘lives’ of our ‘own’ because not only did we become ‘parents’ to our own ‘kids’, but to our ‘parents’ as well. Our ‘parents’ are ‘scared’, they don’t know what to ‘expect’. They are ‘fearful’ not of the ‘kids’, but ‘themselves’ for ‘not knowing what to do’.

    This ‘holiday season’ is a time when you should be ‘assaulting’ people with ‘love’ and ‘listening’ and ‘compromise’.

    Can we for ‘one day’: ‘Silence’ the ‘evil’, and stop the ‘hate’

    The 'hate' you in ya ‘heart’ and (soul)

    No matter what ‘spiritual representative’

    You ‘believe’ in? Put down whatever ‘weapon’

    You are ‘carrying’, go and spend time with those you love and cherish

    If you don’t have any that do you then ‘find’ them/some.

    Go Buy a ‘Hamster’ and a ‘cage’, ‘woodchips’, ‘water’ & ‘food' dishes

    Some ‘kibble’ and ‘Hamster wheel’…

    You have not only a best friend

    But you are showing what the simple act of ‘caring’ and ‘thinking’

    Instead of ‘worrying’ and ‘involving’ yourself and LISTENING

    (memo: don’t talk but you can learn a lot from them)