15 Pieces Of Sushi That Are A Sin Against Nature

    Not everything has to be made into sushi, people.

    1. For the third-grader you really really hate.

    2. Do rabbits love sushi? No? Cool, then don't make this.

    3. That must be fun to pick up with chopsticks.

    4. Finally, entire sausages strapped onto sushi rice. FINALLY.

    5. This is Pop-Tart sushi. And yes, human beings made it, not some confused alien chef who doesn't know any better.

    6. Hey, nope.

    7. Mmm nope please stop.

    8. Hey maybe don't eat this.

    9. You know, you can eat fruit in sushi form, but you can also not do that.

    10. You realize that this is just fruit on rice, right?

    11. This is very pretty, but also please stop doing this.

    12. Did the Jolly Green Giant just sneeze onto a bunch of rice?

    13. OK, so technically you CAN smash dry, tasteless carrots into sushi form, but WHY would you?

    14. Is...is that chili?

    15. Done.